Art Direction



To develop a comprehensive brand book for a retail food company that defines their identity and ensures consistency across all marketing channels.


We designed a cohesive brand book featuring clear guidelines on logo usage, color schemes, typography, and tone of voice to strengthen brand recognition and loyalty.


Leveraging industry expertise, we meticulously created the brand book, incorporating extensive research and creative design to reflect the company’s values and appeal to their target audience.

/final words

It was a challenging yet immensely enjoyable process. Our main objective was to create a simple, stylish, and easily recognizable brand that stands out among competitors and immediately resonates with customers. The result of our great teamwork is a delighted client and a brand we’re proud of!

/key metrics

Brand Loyalty
Bounce rate
First month visits
Net Promoter score

other works

these are some of the latest projects i had the chance to work one. sometimes as an individual, sometimes with as a team member.